Saturday, February 16, 2008

Good News!!

Eric got a phone call yesterday from a placement agency, telling him he needed to call this lawyer at an insurance agency they had sent his resume to. He was under the impression that it would be for a phone interview and to set up a time for a "real" interview. Well, after the lawyer talked to Eric a bit (only like 30 minutes), he asked him if he could start on Monday!!! YAY!!! He will be doing regular paralegal work (discovery, evidence, real legal stuff that he hasn't done in a while, but really likes) for Standard Insurance Agency over on Pipeline in Hurst! Very cool! The drawback (there has to be one, because we are the Liles' family): it's an "indefinite temporary" position (huh?). So it's not a permanent thing, but could be later on, the attorney said. Therefore, we are keeping all of our irons in the fire. In fact, Eric is supposed to be getting a phone call for an interview with a company, Pioneer Energy out in Las Colinas, that would be really perfect for him and a great company to work for. The guy has been calling all his references and we found out he had talked to a couple of them. He got his foot in that door through a friend of ours from church and he has exactly what they are looking for. We are really hoping this one pans out. He also had an interview with a title company yesterday in Westlake and they are supposed to let him know something in about a week. So, grateful for the opportunity which was laid before us yesterday, but still in the market for a job that does not include the word "temporary" in it's title. Been there, done that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! That's AWESOME!!!! HOORAY ERIC!!!!!!!!

YES...I'm just now seeing this...I forgot to subscribe...DUH!

I love you guys!