Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poor Anna

As you may know Lily has a NEW hamster. Well I guess the mice had a little party with because now I'm minus ALL mice and short a hamster. Needless to say Lily was sad. I foresee YET a new pet in the VERY near future.

Somehow he thought of a hamster running around the house isn't near as bad as mice. Why is that?


OK...I was playing with a banner for us and I saw something in the corner of my eye....nothing. I see something again but further behind me. I look and guess who was there...Anna! But alas she is WAY FAST and a squeaker so I can never catch her! We NEVER even take her out of her cage...I'm getting that mouse in the house feeling again so I'm off to bed. Maybe she'll find the food I left out.

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