Monday, April 21, 2008


1 Free Roast from Albertsons
Roadtrip to Aledo
1 Cool Mom
1 Cool Famiy in Aledo

Cook roast in slow cooker all day Saturday before leaving
Drive to Aledo with cooked roast stored in to-go dishes, Marguarita Mix, and Pineapple Rum and put in "carry-on" luggage of doubled brown paper bags w/handles from Market Place. Also included in "carry-on" is a Starbucks bag with stamp sets, sample card, and acrylic block.
Arrive in Aledo and, after greeting Sara, Keven, Lillian and little Edison, continue on with a tour of all the "new" stuff at their house.
Then sit back, relax, and ENJOY!!!! (The roast was great, the company was great, the entire day was PRICELESS!!!

Thank you William family. This travel tip is brought to you by the happy participant, MOM!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Tooting My Horn!!

I just wanted to share some exciting stuff going on with me over here! It's all good and I will go in order from good to GREAT!

Good: I am now the Design Team Coordinator for Glue Art and Paper Studio, which means I am in charge of organizing, reminding and keeping all the design team members motivated and up to date with the current happenings at Glue! (it's all for fun, I only get paid in product, but I love it, so I don't care!) I "hired" my friend Jen (now one of my best friends) as a new designer and she and I will most likely be helping to work the Glue Art and Paper Studio booth at the National Scrapbook Convention in Arlington coming up in June! Anyone up for babysitting?

Better: I was invited to join the design team for Verve Visual! This is one of the HOT companies right now in the stamping world run by a great girl named Julee Tilman! YAY! I am among some unbelievable talent, many of whom were already my friends before joining the team! Check out the Verve Gallery and The Verve Blog! This really is a dream come true and I am on a "short list" of future designers for My Favorite Things, another stamp company I am striving to be associated with, as I know the owner (Kim, who I will be meeting in person at the Arlington Stamp Day on May 3rd) and many of the designers on that team as well.

GREAT: I got an email yesterday from the editor of PaperCrafts Magazine and THIS CARD (click that link soon because I have to remove it for publication and that's why I didn't just put the know you want to) is going to be published in their special edition magazine called Card Creations in September!! I will get an advance copy before they hit the newsstands (don't you know that will be a happy mail day!) and will also be compensated $40-55 for it (some from their end and some from the stamp company's end)!!! One of my New Year's Resolutions was to be published in a magazine, and now it's happening! I have other things I plan on submitting soon too, as I am not stopping with just one published card!

I just love what I'm doing with my crafting and I hope y'all didn't mind me tooting my own horn just a wee bit!!! wooOHOOooooOOOO!!