Thursday, September 18, 2008

A visit from a little bird!!!

I was in my craft room last night minding my owner business (cards and new computer stuff) and kept hearing some fluttering noises. Much to my surprise a little bird had come into the house for a visit!!! Having fluttered around the craft room and not finding anything that even resembled the outdoors that it was used to, it was flying around making itself known to all who could see!! I closed the doors to the bathroom and my bedroom and retreived a broom to shoo it out to the main part of the house. Having accomplished this task (after about 5 minutes of me chasing and it flying), it finally left for a longer flyway (living room, dining room, kitchen). I immediately closed the door to the craft room and opened both the back and front doors to the house. The little bird found all sorts of clever hiding places from the grapevines on top of the kitchen cabinets, to the greenery on top of the high wall that separates the dining room and kitchen. I left the ceiling fan on in the living room where it tried to land a couple of times, but, sadly could not get a steady perch with its rotating motion (evidently, it did not want a Six Flags experience on the flyway). I then took chase with broom in one hand and an empty plastic bag in the other waving it like a mad woman to make a lot of noise (by the way, can birds hear?). Anyway, the poor little thing would land in high places with beak opened / tongue out / gasping for air. Finally, after what seemed like a long time (probably about 25 minutes) the poor little thing finally found its way out either the front or back doors as I didn't actually see it leave, but I could no longer find it in the house. I hurriedly closed both doors, put away my broom, threw away the plastic trash back, and settled down in the living room chair and took a long rest!! This is actually the most activity that my little house has seen in a looooooong time!!

The little bird, I'm sure, is much happier in its little outdoor world and is happy to again be enjoying the great beyond with plenty of trees, bushes, etc in which to fly around!!!

That is the saga of my visit from the little bird at Grandma's house!!!

Hugs to all!



Susan (susiestampalot) said...

THIS IS HILARIOUS!!! i'm glad he's back to his own world! your card is cute too--how fitting!!!

Sara said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Someday you're going to find bird poop in your craft room!!

I love that card!

The Style Sisters said...

HI and Thanks for stopping by my blog today to check out the mums! It is a crazy tradition that is for sure but we have grown to love it.